Wednesday, October 16, 2019

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Below is a summary of various types of educational models. Would you send your child to any one of these different educational approaches?

Democratic School
This school model involves having mixed age groups participate together and the students are completely in charge of their own learning. The students are make the rules and the punishments. They learn what they are interested in. 

This is a very interesting model. I do feel is has some good qualities, but lacks structure and balance. I fear that the students having ALL the freedom could negatively impact them in the long run. I personally would not send my child to this type of school because of the lack of a structural environment. I do, however, like that the students get choices...I would just like them not to make all the decisions in their education. There are basic life skills and basic knowledge, I feel, this model would not provide. 

Pedagogy of the Oppressed
This approach focuses on students being a creator of their own knowledge rather than an empty tank that needs to be filled. This approach looks at what the child already knows and goes from there. Education should be a practice of freedom.

(I would be lying if I said this approach didn't confuse me. It's very tricky to understand. I'm still not 100% sure what and how it teaches children.)

Flipped Classroom
This educational model is exactly how it sounds. Instead of the student learning all of the course material in class, they are introduced to the learning material before class. The hope is to use class time as a discussion to deepen the meaning of what they already learned beforehand. 

There are pros and cons to this type of classroom model. I feel that students would be afraid to teach themselves the material and possibly miss something. Maybe it would be a bit confusing since you have no background knowledge of the topic. However, I do like the idea of the classroom focusing on peer discussions, hands-on learning, and less on lecturing from the teacher.

This school model is an education approach based entirely around the child. Montessori classrooms are mixed age groups where the child is allowed to choose their own activities. Montessori uses an informal way of teaching where the they hope to develop the natural interests of each child. A child at this type of school learns through their own choices and at their own pace. A teacher in a Montessori setting is looked at as a facilitator and observer of the child.

I like this approach because it seems that the child would be very interested and engaged in what they are learning about, because they are the chooser of it. They have the freedom to learn what they want, when they want, and how fast or slow they want to learn it. I also see the mixed age groups as a positive. I feel this is a great way for younger students to learn from older ones. I also like the aspect of hands-on learning and the focus on independence. However, Montessori schools can get very expensive and I feel that not ALL children would be successful. Sometimes given too many choices is intimidating. The flexible curriculum and students choosing their learning paths are a cause for concern for me because I think maybe some children would fall behind in certain subject areas. 

This education approach is thought that children learn best being engaged in an environment that they can learn in. Waldorf focuses on academics, arts, and practical skills to help each child grow individually. A preschool Waldorf classroom should resemble a home, using simple, natural materials and appear to be simplistic. Waldorf has a big focus on a child's creativity and imagination. 

In a Waldorf school, the same teacher is usually with her students for several years. I really like this concept because it seems that the teacher would really be able to get to know her students on a deeper level then a year of just lecturing, taking a test, and passing/failing them. I also like how students are treated as individuals and that the learning process is not forced or taught too fast. I also love that the do not use standardize testing.

As many of the other models discussed above, a negative aspect of Waldorf is that there is no set curriculum and core subjects may not be taught in a normal way. Waldorf also does not allow technology until grade 5 and, to me, this does a disservice to the students since we are in an era that technology is everywhere and used for everything. 

Glen Urquhart
This educational approach focuses on authentic learning of each child. Their academic outlook includes place-based learning, a thematic curriculum, and social-emotional learning. Children are looked at as independent thinkers whose ideas should be nurtured and valued. 

This school, located in Beverly, Massachusetts is expensive, which is a drawback. However, they focus on core human values such as respect, kindness, acceptance, and empathy. 

As stated above, all the educational models discussed have both positives and negatives. As a mom and preschool teacher, I would love to take a little bit from each one and make a whole new educational model! One that promotes independence, acceptance, respect, and kindness. One that fosters a child's ideas and creative process, but also uses a teacher as a role-model and educator. Tuition would also play a large role in my decision to send my child to one of these types of schools. Most of them are out of my price range! I would most likely stick with traditional, public schooling, unless my child was having a very hard time. 

I think technology could play a large role in teaching students different educational approaches through student tutorials, virtual field trips, etc. Maybe teachers could teach each other about the different educational models and learn from one another.